Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Fatigue.....Not always a bad thing!

Some of you may know that I have gotten back into Bikram Yoga again after an 8 year break. I practiced regularly for about 5 years and then life got busy…..I got married, had two babies, graduated nurse midwifery school, you know…..busy!
Bikram yoga consists of 26 postures that you do in concession the same time every time you practice. It is also done in a room that is approximately 100 degrees so you sweat A LOT. I love it! Since going back I have felt more relaxed, needed caffeine a lot less often (let’s face it I am a midwife), and my back is significantly better after straining it a  birth two years ago. The main reason I go though is for the open eye meditation that is involved when you practice. The quieting of the mind and blurred focus on self which allows the connection to body, mind, and soul, and ultimately a balancing of the three. We are told to turn off our ego and listen to what we are being told, without thinking. I often tell my laboring mommies the same, “turn off your brain and let your body do the work”. 
During many of the classes the instructor mentions fatigue. This class is HARD and some of the best athletes struggle with making it all the way through without needing to take a break. What I found profound was the explanation that it is normal and even good to become fatigued. That it is in the place of muscle fatigue that you can go deeper into the posture and ultimately your awareness of self. When the muscle is tired it stops fighting and the active act of stretching begins. How similar to birth this is. My moms’ often become frightened that they are becoming too tired to birth their baby. Laboring your baby into this work is often the most difficult physical, mental, and spiritual act some women face. The lack of control and the fear of the unknown is most of what makes it so difficult.  We work through that fear by encouraging them to be fatigued. “Stop fighting and trust the body”. It is in our complete exhaustion during labor that we surrender to the process and turn the brain off and “let” our union of body, mind, and soul deliver our babies to us. We prevent the detrimental physical exhaustion by making our laboring moms eat high carbohydrate foods and drink electrolytes to that the muscle has the necessary fuel to keep working for however long it takes. Most first time moms average 12 to 24hours to birth their babies.

I want to encourage every pregnant momma to stretch and exercise during pregnancy to the point of fatigue. This will allow you to practice your breathing and bring you to an open eye meditation where your ego is shut down and the breath brings balance to the mind and soul. Envision your perfect birth in this moment and release any mental fears that may wonder in. Know that your midwife is there during the birth to bring you out of these moments of fear. It is our honor to do so……

Monday, August 12, 2013

Welcome Sweet baby Teo to the World

Teo, 8 lbs 8 oz, was born today at the Tree of Life Birth Center into mommy's arms. Mommy's first words,
 "That was easy," especially since first baby was 26 hours and this one was only 6 hours.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Change of Plans!

Zoe entered this world Sunday August 4th at 1153pm after a long awaited debut! Mommy and daddy had her big brother at home with me 19mo ago. Zoe was somewhat of a drama queen from day one! We weren't even sure mommy was pregnant until second trimester was almost over. Then, at the 20wk sono we found a small normal abnormality that needed follow up. Then, when we followed up there was extra fluid in her pool. So by the end we weren't overly shocked that we were going to need to be in the hospital for her delivery. Parents were very proactive and toured the hospital and meet with my back up MD Dr Besong prior. Wouldn't you know it Mommy developed a serious kidney infection 3 days prior to the scheduled induction and so.....Change of Plans....were having a baby sooner than later. Dr Besong was impressively patient and gave Mommy's body ever chance to do something it wasn't quite ready to do. We had pitocin going....then we stopped to give Miso....change of plans Pitocin again,,,,,,wait change of plans We are giving Miso.....okay nothings really happening maybe you should go home now that the infection is gone......Change of Plans lets break your water....OMG yes I am serious! Mommy and Daddy went with the flow and trusted the MD and me and the doula so beautifully that I believe this is what created this amazing vaginal birth!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Sweet Waterbirth ...

Welcome to the world Caleb Kenneth...9lbs 1oz. Congratulations LaToya, James and big brother Austin. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Newest Bloom...

Welcome baby boy Levi Asher born at home this evening very swiftly, 7lbs 14oz. Congratulations Amy & Scott, big sister Abigail and big brothers Judah and Josiah. 

The Ritual

Written by Midwife Kaleen Richards

At around 36weeks I encourage my pregnant moms to start a nightly ritual to prepare themselves for labor and the birth of their baby. A ritual is defined by Wikipedia as “ a stereotyped sequence of activities, performed in a sequestered place, and designed to influence preternatural entities or forces on behalf of the actors ’goals and interest”.  And so I had to Wikipedia “preternatural” from that point which is defined as “that which appears outside or beside the natural. In contrast to the supernatural, preternatural phenomena are presumed to have rational explanations that are unknown.” Okay so like when I still get blown away at a birth that a little human somehow comes through our bodies and is absolutely perfect……totally preternatural!

To prepare for this event that, in actuality there is no way to prepare for because it requires the complete release of control (am I freaking you out yet lol), we perform a nightly ritual. This mentally gives us or our ego, the security that we have prepared. It physically strengthens our body and encourages good fetal position. It also connects us with our partner and/or our baby and focuses our soul on what our hearts desire.

The ritual generally occurs at night with a hot bath or shower. We encourage practicing with a bath because it is what we use in labor. When you completely relax in the bath now your muscles will remember once in labor and do the same.  Making a playlist of music you enjoy and hope to use for your birth can be listened now to enhance relaxation. Hot baths are fine in pregnancy as long as you get out once cold and don’t keep refilling with hot water. Jacuzzis are not. When you get out of the bath oil up! I like Apricot oil because it is light, odorless, and high in vitamin E but you can use olive oil, coconut oil, or jojoba oil. Get the breasts and appreciate how they have changed and are preparing to grow your baby on the outside. Rub your belly and baby and connect with what position they are in and how much they have grown to prepare for their journey earthside. is a great website for baby mapping and determining how they are lying. Head down most important then back along the front not your back is the second goal. Take your thumb and dip in the oil. Rub it on your perineum to help saturate the area with vitamin E. We don’t need to “stretch” the vagina or perineum for birth, just reinforce it with vitamin E oils for elasticity. Continue down to your legs and now you are truly glowing! Next get into bed and do a few stretches. Cat- Cow, butterfly, inversions, hip flexors, whatever feels good or what we have told you to do for optimal fetal positioning. Lastly, with your partner or by yourself, practice Hypnobirthing.  Even if you fall asleep in the first 5 minutes, subconsciously you are getting the techniques and your muscles are going to remember!

Try to practice your ritual nightly or at least 4 times a week. We all have things we are busy with but this is important… are important…..your birth experience will forever change you and this will help you know what you want and prepare  body-mind-and soul for it to happen.

Come out and see us Saturday August 3rd..

We have two awesome events going on this Saturday in Port Orange and Melbourne...come out and see us!

New Arrivals this week...

Welcome baby boy David Vincent...6lbs 6oz. Sweet and calm Waterbirth on a Sunday afternoon 7/28/2013. Congratulations to Diamond and Robert on their third child.

Welcome baby boy Abel Darlington...6lbs 2oz.  Born on 7/30/13 at home...Congratulations on their first child to Monique and Jason.